Queensland COVID-19 research

This page of Queensland’s research related to the COVID-19 pandemic is compiled from information provided by Queensland universities and research institutes.

While many of our researchers are working on potential vaccines, treatments and other medical interventions, other researchers are applying their expertise to other impacts of the pandemic upon our economy and other aspects of society. The data includes immediate research activity, recent relevant work, proposed research (subject to available funds) and other responses using the resources and expertise of our research organisations.

Listing 1 matching response out of 149 total responses.

  • Banks have key role in preventing elder financial abuse as relatives experience COVID-19 economic stress July 2020

    Social isolation of vulnerable older people, financial pressure from the COVID-19 pandemic and “inheritance entitlement” have created a perfect storm for increased incidences of elder financial abuse says QUT Law researchers Associate Professor Tina Cockburn and Dr Kelly Purser. Elder financial abuse is often enabled by abuses of an enduring power of attorney document (EPA). An EPA enables someone to make financial decisions on behalf another person who has lost capacity. Cockburn and Purser’s recent research helped define and quantify elder financial abuse under an EPA and noted that under the Australian Banking Code of Practice, banks have committed to training staff to act with sensitivity, respect and compassion towards vulnerable people. COVID-19 has also highlighted the need to be able to access valid will-making when traditional wills formalities have required a physical gathering of the will-maker and witnesses. Emergency interim changes to the law have facilitated will-making and the execution of enduring documents through the use of real-time virtual technologies in Queensland. Purser and Cockburn’s research explores the consequences of this as well as whether these emergency responses have a place in the ‘new normal’ post COVID-19.

    #Social sciences#Law


    Australian Centre for Health Law Research
    Queensland University of Technology

    Contact details
    A/Prof Tina Cockburn
    Co-director Australian Centre for Health Law Research
    +61 7 3138 2003

Other Queensland COVID-19 initiatives

Queensland Government
Coronavirus (COVID-19) business assistance finder
Life Sciences Queensland
Life Sciences Queensland joins the data-powered alliance to stop COVID-19

Key international COVID-19 initiatives

CORD-19 (COVID-19 Open Research Dataset)
Free database of 130,000 plus COVID-19 open research papers