About R&D Linkage Opportunities 2023 program

Applications are now closed

The R&D Linkages Opportunities program (Program) supports leading-edge research and collaborative projects that address the department's priority research themes.

The Program aims to advance Queensland’s environmental and scientific knowledge and capability through its focus on high-quality research and long-term strategic alliances.

Through the Program, the department seeks to partner with Queensland-based university/institute researchers on Australian Research Council (ARC) Linkage Projects in a range of priority areas.

The ARC Linkage program promotes collaboration between universities, industry and government.

Specifically, we are interested in partnering on ARC Linkage Projects that support the development of partnerships between the department and higher education organisations, industry and other research end-users, in order to advance knowledge and deliver science and technology benefits to Queensland.

Successful applicants to the R&D Linkages Opportunities program will receive an in-principle funding commitment, conditional upon subsequently securing an Australian Research Council (ARC) Linkage Projects Grant for the specified project.

The R&D Linkage Opportunities is intended to be a pilot partnering scheme, rather than a program purely supporting university generated proposals. To achieve this, we will provide long-term engagement and support to successful applicants and partners. This may include the allocation of full-time equivalent resources and/or other in-kind support where suited to the proposal.

Funded projects

Key points

  • Applications for the 2023 round have closed.


  • Applications are open to Queensland-based universities considered eligible for ARC Linkage Project proposals, as outlined in ARC’s Linkage Projects Grant Guidelines (2023 edition).
  • Applications must comply with ARC’s Linkage Projects Grant Guidelines (2023 edition), including partner funding contributions. Applications that do not comply with these guidelines will be deemed ineligible.
  • The applicant must be the same as the lead applicant for the ARC Linkage Project application.
  • The applicant organisation must be registered for GST and have an Australian Business Number.
  • Funding is not available to individuals.
  • Funding is only available for project activity undertaken in Queensland.

Program guidelines

Further information about the R&D Linkage Opportunities program, including eligibility criteria, is available in the program guidelines.

How to apply

All applications must be submitted via the online SmartyGrants portal

Read the following resources before submitting your application.

Key resources

Further information

Email: science.grants@des.qld.gov.au

Phone: (07) 3330 6360