
The Quantum and Advanced Technologies Commercialisation Infrastructure Program (QCIP) seeks to co-invest with universities, research facilities and industry to establish shared infrastructure to support the development and commercial scale-up of prototype devices and components derived from Queensland’s quantum and advanced technologies capabilities.

The primary objective of the program is to support Queensland quantum and advanced technologies startups and industry to move their invention beyond the prototype stage without having to go to offshore facilities, to keep value-adding and manufacturing opportunities in Queensland.

Program outcomes:

  • Outcome 1: Increase the pipeline of quantum and advanced technologies devices and components ready to move into scaled-up manufacturing or direct sales to end users.
  • Outcome 2: Establish Queensland as an attractive destination for the development of quantum and advanced technologies businesses and products.
  • Outcome 3: Increase leverage of Australian Government and other sources of funding.

Key points

  • Application for QCIP opened on 13 June 2024 and closed on 29 July 2024. It is anticipated that applicants will be informed of the outcome of their applications in September 2024.
  • Applications are made using the department's online SmartyGrants portal.
  • Applications that involve collaborations among eligible research organisations, including CSIRO and/or with industry are strongly encouraged.
  • Available grants range from $500,000 to $10 million for a Queensland project that targets priority investment areas (as outlined in the guidelines). The proposal should address the project's potential to enhance Queensland's commercialisation capabilities compared to existing state and interstate facilities.


The Applicant Organisation must be:

  • a Queensland-based agency that conducts or will conduct research commercialisation, including but not limited to universities, research agencies, facilities established under the NCRIS, and limited companies
  • registered for GST and have an Australian Business Number.

Program guidelines

Further information about the QCIP including applicant eligibility, eligible project costs and assessment criteria is available in the program guidelines.

How to apply

All applications were submitted using the online SmartyGrants portal.

It is important to have read the following key resources and Queensland Government strategies before submitting your application.

Queensland Government strategies and other relevant documents

Further information

For further information, please contact the department's QCIP Coordinator

Email: qldquantum@qld.gov.au

Key documents and links

Applications for the Quantum and Advanced Technologies Commercialisation Infrastructure Program (QCIP) have closed