Frequently asked questions

How to apply

Who can apply for a grant under the Quantum and Advanced Technologies Commercialisation Infrastructure Program?

Eligible organisations can apply to the Quantum and Advanced Technologies Commercialisation Infrastructure Program (QCIP) (refer to “Eligibility—applicants” below).

How do I apply to the Quantum and Advanced Technologies Commercialisation Infrastructure Program?

Additional support documentation is required from partner organisations outlining:

  • their commitment to and reasons for supporting the project
  • the likely benefits to be gained by participating in the project
  • the annual cash and in-kind contributions they will make to the project.

What is the closing date for applications?

Applications for the QCIP closed on 29 July 2024.

Can the application be revised after submission?

No. However you must advise the department of any changes that are likely to affect your eligibility.

What are the QCIP priority areas?

The Queensland Government invites applications aligned with the Queensland Quantum and Advanced Technologies Strategy (PDF, 2.9MB) in the following priority areas:

  • Quantum systems, devices, components and materials
  • Quantum and advanced technologies supply chain
  • Photonics, including integrated photonics capabilities
  • Compound semiconductor devices and components
  • Technologies based on superconductors
  • Technologies based on micro-electromechanical systems (MEMS)
  • Integration of the above into prototypes and systems
  • Characterisation and testing of the above for commercialisation purposes.

Where can more information about the QCIP priority areas be found?

More information on the QCIP priority focus areas is outlined in the Queensland Quantum and Advanced Technologies Strategy.

An application will only be considered if it addresses at least one of the QCIP priority areas

What is the definition of a ‘project’?

The definition of the project for the purposes of the QCIP relate to the defined set of activities for the project period – these are made up of the deliverables and outputs proposed for each Milestone period and include infrastructure (procurement of kit) and salaries (experts to run said kit). These all relate to a set of activities designed to establish shared infrastructure to support the development and commercial scale-up of prototype devices and components in the quantum and advanced technologies sectors.

Do I need to submit a project plan?

With regards to a project plan, applicants are not required to submit a separate project plan. If an applicant is successful, the project Activity will be built from the information provided by the applicant in the application form and included in the grant agreement as a milestone table. We will run this past your organisation to confirm that it is still an accurate reflection of activities.

Available funding

How much funding is available per QCIP grant?

The funding awarded to each successful applicant will depend on the overall quality and quantity of applications received. Available grants range from $500,000 (minimum) to $10,000,000 (maximum), excluding GST.

How many QCIP projects will be supported?

The number of projects awarded will depend on the overall quality and quantity of applications received.

How will the QCIP grant be provided to successful applicants?

Payment of grants will be made based on agreed periodic project milestones. The proposed payment instalments are outlined in the Grant Agreement template . A final milestone payment will be made upon the provision of documentary evidence that all project requirements have been satisfied, including evidence that total project expenditure has been incurred and project contributions have been made by all relevant parties, and may include the requirement of an audited financial report.

Eligibility – applicants

Which organisations can apply for QCIP grants?

To be eligible to apply for this program, the applicant (or lead applicant in the case of a consortium) must, at the time of application be:

  • registered for GST and have an Australian Business Number
  • an organisation that conducts or will conduct research commercialisation in Queensland including, but not limited to:
    • universities
    • research agencies
    • facilities established under the National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy (NCRIS)
    • limited companies.

Can an applicant that has submitted a QCIP application participate in QCIP projects submitted by other applicants?

Whilst the applicant cannot submit more than one application for the same project, the applicant can be a partner with other QCIP applications by other leads on different projects.

Is there a minimum co-contribution requirement from participating institutions?

No, there is no minimum co-contribution requirement. The strength of the project and its alignment with program objectives are the most important factors in the assessment process.

The primary objective of the QCIP is to support the establishment of commercialisation infrastructure for quantum and advanced technologies. While co-investment is encouraged, it can include both cash and in-kind contributions such as staff costs.

If the project is requesting funding in the higher tier (between $5–10 million) and has a low cash contribution, there is a greater expectation on other co-contributions (such as staff costs), the demonstration of significant ecosystem benefits, the presence of consortia to assist project delivery, future financial sustainability of the project, and the ability to attract future investment

Ultimately, it is up to the assessors to apply the selection criteria and decide whether co-contribution is sufficient based on the proposed project outputs.

Use of grant funds

QCIP funding must be used for project specific activities that fall within the following eligible cost categories:

  • salaries costs for technical staff employed by the applicant for the purposes of the proposed project including for translation activities that provide economic, social and environmental benefits to Queensland
  • purchase, leasing, design, construction and installation costs of instrumentation or plant equipment that will be located in Queensland for the purposes of the proposed project
  • costs to obtain non-instrument-based capability such as fee-for-service researchers and/or technical staff for the purposes of the proposed project.

Only eligible expenditure incurred on or after the project commencement date (specified in the executed Grant Agreement) can be claimed by the successful applicant organisation.

Can the QCIP funding be used for work conducted outside of Queensland?

It is expected that all the QCIP funding will be expended in Queensland.

By exception, the department will consider expenditure outside Queensland if it is essential to ensure successful delivery of the project, and clear benefits will accrue to Queensland.

Can the QCIP funding be used to pay for administrative support?

No. You cannot use QCIP funding for administrative support or institutional overheads, or for costs not directly applicable to the operation of the proposed QCIP project.

Conditions of the award

What is a Grant Agreement?

  • The Grant Agreement template  will form the basis of the Agreement the Queensland Government will enter into with the successful applicants.
  • The template outlines the conditions of the award of QCIP grant, including the payment schedule and the reporting requirements.
  • The Grant Agreement is comprised of the QCIP Grant Agreement Terms and Conditions, the approved Project (based on the application submitted) including Deliverables and Outputs for each reporting period milestone.

When can the QCIP grant project commence?

  • If successful, the proposed project must commence within six months of being advised of funding approval.
  • Provided a Grant Agreement has been executed, the first milestone payment will be for the execution of the Grant Agreement. Successful applicants must provide a valid bank account for the department to deposit the first milestone payment into prior to 1 July 2025.

What is the Project?

  • The Grant Agreement will include an approved Project and budget that describes the key deliverables, outputs and projected costs of the project for each calendar year of the grant period.
  • The Project will be based on the application submitted, and applicants will be required to report on progress against the Project milestones for the term of the grant.
  • The Project will be approved by the department when the department enters into a Grant Agreement for the project.

What are the reporting requirements?

The successful applicants will be required to provide:

  • progress reports through SmartyGrants each year covering:
    • the activities conducted including progress against milestones, deliverables and outputs,
    • overall project status,
    • financial acquittals containing details of:
      • Queensland Government funding received and expended
      • their cash contributions to the project
      • the cash contributions of all partners towards the project.
  • case studies of downstream impact arising from the use of the new capability
  • results from annual questionnaire of all users of the new capability and outcomes achieved as a result of their usage of the capability (for example jobs created, money saved, products/services/methods developed, venture investment milestones reached)
  • a final report on the project within 3 years of commencement date.

Details of the reporting requirements will be provided in the final Grant Agreement.

Is there an obligation for the applicant to acknowledge the Queensland Government’s support?

Yes. Following the announcement of the award the applicant must acknowledge Queensland Government funding in its annual report, any public statements and promotional materials relating to the project.

Announcing successful applications

When will I be notified about the outcome of my application?

The Department will endeavour to process applications within 10 weeks, noting this is subject to obtaining relevant approvals. It is anticipated that applicants will be notified of the outcome of their application from September 2024.

When can QCIP recipients openly discuss their awards?

The QCIP award must be kept confidential until it is announced by the Queensland Government. Applicants must not make any media statements or public announcements until this time but will be able to publicly discuss and promote their award after it has been announced by the Queensland Government.

Will feedback be provided to unsuccessful applicants?

Yes. Feedback will be provided to the applicant upon the applicant’s request.

Further information

For further information, please contact the department's QCIP Coordinator


Key documents and links

Applications for the Quantum and Advanced Technologies Commercialisation Infrastructure Program (QCIP) have closed