
The Quantum and Advanced Technologies Co-Investment Program (QATCIP) seeks to accelerate the development of Queensland’s quantum and advanced technologies ecosystem by leveraging co-investment into relevant science and translation initiatives.

The objectives of the program are to:

  • enhance Queensland’s competitiveness in bids for external funding, particularly where there is an expectation of state/territory co-investment
  • to increase the availability of financial and other critical resources from outside Queensland to the state’s quantum and advanced technologies ecosystem
  • attract organisations that are new to Queensland and can bring valuable investment and capabilities to the state’s quantum and advanced technologies ecosystem.

Key points

  • Applications for QATCIP open on 13 June 2024 and funding decisions will be made as applications are received.
  • Any applications received after 14 August 2024 will be assessed for support after the 2024 State Election on 26 October 2024, subject to agreement of the incoming Queensland Government.
  • Applications must be made using the department's online SmartyGrants portal.
  • Total available funding in Round 1 is $15 million (excl GST) and applicants can apply for between $250,000 and $5 million (excl GST) for projects commencing in 2024-2025 and to be expended by June 2027.
  • Funding commitments made under QATCIP are conditional on the project securing cash funding of at least 50% of the requested grant amount from approved external providers.
  • QATCIP letters of support for external funding schemes where the result is not known until after the 2024 State Election on 26 October 2024 will be conditional on the agreement of the incoming Queensland Government.

Eligibility criteria

The Applicant Organisation must:

  • be a Queensland-based university or research institute, or a Queensland-based lead applicant to an eligible external funding opportunity.
  • registered for GST and have an Australian Business Number.
  • confirm the project application to the external funding program meets that program’s eligibility requirements.

The Application must include:

  • the most recent and complete draft of the project application for an eligible external funding program
  • letters of support from other partners and collaborators outlining details of their commitment of funding
  • a project delivery plan, commencement date and budget for the proposed project.

Program guidelines

Further information about the QATCIP including applicant eligibility, eligible project costs and assessment criteria is available in the program guidelines.

How to apply

All applications were submitted using the online SmartyGrants portal

It is important to have read the following key resources and Queensland Government strategies before submitting your application.

Queensland Government strategies and other relevant documents

Further information

For further information, please contact the department's QCIP Coordinator

Email: qldquantum@qld.gov.au

Key documents and links

Applications are now open

Apply through SmartyGrants