Frequently asked questions

How to apply

How do I apply to the Quantum and Advanced Technologies Co-investment Program?

Who can apply for a grant under the Quantum and Advanced Technologies Co-Investment Program?

Eligible organisations can apply to the Quantum and Advanced Technologies Co-Investment Program (QATCIP) (refer to “Eligibility—applicants” below).

What is the closing date for applications?

Applications for the QATCIP will operate as a continuously open program until the available funding is fully committed. Any applications received after 14 August 2024 will be assessed for support after the 2024 State Election on 26 October 2024, subject to agreement of the incoming Queensland Government.

Can the application be revised after submission?

No. However you must advise the department of any changes that are likely to affect your eligibility.

What are the QATCIP priority investment areas?

The Queensland Government invites applications aligned with the Queensland Quantum and Advanced Technologies Strategy (PDF, 2.9MB) in at least one (preferably more than one) of the following priority areas:

  • Quantum systems, devices, components and materials
  • Quantum and advanced technologies supply chain
  • Photonics, including integrated photonics capabilities
  • Compound semiconductor devices and components
  • Technologies based on superconductors
  • Technologies based on micro-electromechanical systems (MEMS)
  • Integration of the above into prototypes and systems
  • Characterisation and testing of the above for commercialisation purposes.

Where can more information about the QATCIP priority areas be found?

More information on the QATCIP priority focus areas is outlined in the Queensland Quantum and Advanced Technologies Strategy.

What is the definition of a ‘project’?

The definition of the project for the purposes of the QATCIP relate to the defined set of activities for the project period – these are made up of the deliverables and outputs proposed for each Milestone period and include infrastructure (procurement of kit) and salaries (experts to run said kit). These all relate to a set of activities designed to establish shared infrastructure to support the development and commercial scale-up of prototype devices and components in the quantum and advanced technologies sectors.

Do I need to submit a project plan?

With regards to a project plan, applicants are not required to submit a separate project plan. If an applicant is successful, the project Activity will be built from the information provided by the applicant in the application form and included in the grant agreement as a milestone table. We will run this past your organisation to confirm that it is still an accurate reflection of activities.

Available funding

How much funding is available per QATCIP grant?

Grants ranging from $250,000 (minimum) to $5,000,000 (maximum), excluding GST are available for projects commencing in the 2024 or 2025 calendar years and must be expended by June 2027.

Applicants can apply for funding up to:

  • The total value of the combined eligible cash and in-kind commitments of the external funding partner(s); and
  • The eligible cash component must be at least 50% of the funding requested.

While a commitment of funding will be made to successful applicants to the Quantum and Advanced Technologies Co-Investment Program, it is conditional on the proposed project successfully securing commitments from approved external funders.

In the event the application to the nominated external scheme is unsuccessful, the Quantum and Advanced Technologies Co-Investment Program conditional funding commitment will be withdrawn.

How will the QATCIP grant be provided to successful applicants?

Payment of QATCIP funding will be made based on agreed periodic project milestones, which can be profiled to facilitate start-up. An agreed initial payment will be made on confirmation of approval by the external program and execution of a Financial Incentives Agreement with the State of Queensland through the Department of Environment, Science and Innovation.

Subsequent payments will be subject to execution of the head agreement with the external program, as well as:

  • provision of evidence that earlier payments been expended and acquitted
  • provision of evidence that all project requirements have been satisfied, including project contributions having been made by all relevant parties.

Eligibility – applicants

Which organisations can apply for QATCIP grants?

To be eligible to apply for this program, the applicant (or lead applicant in the case of a consortium) must, at the time of application:

  • be a Queensland-based university or research institute, or a Queensland-based lead applicant to an eligible external funding opportunity
  • have an ABN and be GST-registered
  • confirm the project application to the external funding program meets that program’s eligibility requirements.

What are the eligibility requirements for an application to the QATCIP program?

To be considered eligible for this program, the application must include:

  • the most recent and complete draft of the project application for an eligible external funding program
  • letters of support from other partners and collaborators outlining details of their commitment of funding to the proposed project (amount/period), noting funding contribution(s) from industry partners and collaborators
  • a project delivery plan, commencement date and budget for the proposed project.

The project must be ready to commence at the time of funding approval by the external program.

Can applicants apply for QATCIP funding if they have already submitted an application or been awarded funding under an external program for the same proposed project?

The QATCIP program primarily aims to enhance Queensland's competitiveness in securing external funding, particularly in cases where co-investment is mandatory or encouraged. The intention is to attract and leverage investment that would not otherwise have occurred. Therefore, QATCIP funding cannot be used to top-up applications that have already been submitted or awarded under an external program.

If the external program has multiple stages, in the instance of the Commonwealth’s Critical Technologies Challenge Program (CTCP), applicants who have already applied for Stage 1 funding are eligible to apply for QATCIP funding to support their planned Stage 2 application. Applicants are required to attach the CTCP Stage 1 application with other information requested in the QATCIP application form. The QATCIP application should demonstrate a robust plan for CTCP Stage 2 that provides justification for the QATCIP amount requested. In the event that the Stage 1 application is unsuccessful, any QATCIP support committed for Stage 2 will be withdrawn.

What is a Letter of Support?

A Letter of Support demonstrates a strong level of engagement between the applicant and project partners. This can include Term Sheets, confirmation of support in the form of an email from the potential partner that indicates communication between both parties and the intention by the potential partner to commit an amount of cash or in-kind support.

Which external funding programs are eligible for support under this program?

Please refer to the Guidelines for a list of eligible external programs and funders. This list may be updated from time to time.

Use of grant funds

QATCIP funding may be used to meet project costs deemed eligible by the external program’s rules.

QATCIP funding may also be used to meet project costs deemed ineligible by the external program’s rules, where they are demonstrably critical to the project proceeding and where the costs are restricted to:

  • salary costs, including standard on-costs (leave loading, superannuation contributions, worker’s compensation contributions, and payroll tax) for key project staff
  • reasonable administration costs
  • consumable items
  • office rent
  • purchase or provision of personal computing equipment directly required or related to the delivery of the project
  • travel costs to support direct project activity (international travel capped at not more than 10% of the QATCIP funding sought).

Can the QATCIP funding be used for work conducted outside of Queensland?

QATCIP funding must be expended wholly in Queensland unless it can be demonstrated that expenditure outside of Queensland is essential to ensure successful delivery of the project (for example, where a critical commercial service or piece of equipment can only be obtained from an overseas supplier). Funding can only be used to meet expenditure incurred on or after the project commencement date.

Can the QATCIP funding be used to pay for administrative support?

No. You cannot use QATCIP funding for administrative support or institutional overheads, or for costs not directly applicable to the operation of the proposed QATCIP project.

Conditions of the award

What is a Grant Agreement?

  • The Queensland Government will enter into a Grant Agreement with successful applicants. This will be negotiated with successful applicants once funding decisions have been made.
  • The Grant Agreement will outline the conditions of the award of the QATCIP grant, including the payment schedule and the reporting requirements.
  • The Grant Agreement is comprised of the QATCIP Grant Agreement Terms and Conditions, the approved Project (based on the application submitted) including Deliverables and Outputs for each reporting period milestone.

When can the QATCIP grant project commence?

  • If successful, the proposed project must commence within six months of being advised of funding approval.

What are the reporting requirements?

The successful applicants will be required to provide:

  • progress reports through SmartyGrants each year covering:
    • the activities conducted including progress against milestones, deliverables and outputs,
    • overall project status,
    • financial acquittals containing details of:
      • Queensland Government funding received and expended
      • their cash contributions to the project
      • the cash contributions of all partners towards the project.
  • a final report on the project within 3 years of commencement date.

Details of the reporting requirements will be provided in the final Grant Agreement.

Is there an obligation for the applicant to acknowledge the Queensland Government’s support?

Yes. Following the announcement of the award the applicant must acknowledge Queensland Government funding in its annual report, any public statements and promotional materials relating to the project.

Announcing successful applications

When will I be notified about the outcome of my application?

The Department will endeavour to process applications within 10 weeks of submission, noting this is subject to obtaining relevant approvals.

When can QATCIP recipients openly discuss their awards?

The QATCIP award must be kept confidential until it is announced by the Queensland Government. Applicants must not make any media statements or public announcements until this time but will be able to publicly discuss and promote their award after it has been announced by the Queensland Government.

Will feedback be provided to unsuccessful applicants?

Yes. Feedback will be provided to the applicant upon the applicant’s request.

Further information

For further information, please contact the department's QATCIP Coordinator


Key documents and links

Applications are now open

Apply through SmartyGrants