
About the program

The Quantum and Advanced Technologies Co-Investment Program (QATCIP) was announced by the Queensland Government on 4 October 2023 as part of the Queensland Quantum and Advanced Technologies Strategy (Strategy). Aligned with Pillar 5: Investment under the Strategy, its purpose is to accelerate the development of Queensland’s quantum and advanced technologies ecosystem by leveraging co-investment into relevant science and translation initiatives, from Australian Government programs as well as from other eligible funders. The QATCIP is administered by the Department of Environment, Science and Innovation (the department).


The QATCIP aims to boost the attraction of external commitments of funding and other valuable contributions into Queensland’s quantum and advanced technologies ecosystem.

The objectives of the program are to:

  • enhance Queensland’s competitiveness in bids for external funding, particularly where there is an expectation of state/territory co-investment
  • to increase the availability of financial and other critical resources from outside Queensland to the state’s quantum and advanced technologies ecosystem
  • attract organisations that are new to Queensland and can bring valuable investment and capabilities to the state’s quantum and advanced technologies ecosystem.


A total of $15 million (excluding GST) is available in this round of the QATCIP.

Grants ranging from $250,000 up to $5,000,000 (excluding GST) are available for projects commencing in the 2024 or 2025 calendar years and must be expended by June 2027.

Applicants can apply for funding up to the total value of the combined eligible cash and in-kind commitments of the external funding partner(s), but the eligible cash component must be at least 50% of the funding requested.

In the case of national projects, ‘cash value’ means the share of cash funding to be spent for the direct benefit of Queensland (rather than transferred interstate as cash or services).

Funding commitments made to successful applicants under QATCIP are conditional on the proposed project successfully securing commitments from approved external funders. The final amount of QATCIP funding provided will depend on the amount awarded by the external scheme.

In the event the application to the nominated external scheme is unsuccessful, the QATCIP conditional funding commitment will be withdrawn.

Funding provided under the QATCIP program is project-based. There is no obligation on the Queensland Government to provide funding beyond the period of the agreement. Accordingly, applicants will be expected to have clear plans to sustain projects, facilities and/or associated employment beyond the period of project funding.


The QATCIP will operate as a continuously open program until the available funding is fully committed or the program is closed or suspended at the department’s discretion. Applications will be assessed as they are received, subject to grouping and other measures that the department may employ to ensure administration of the program is efficient. Whilst the department will employ its best endeavours to meet the timeframes of the external opportunity, there is no guarantee that commitments of support will be provided within a particular timeframe. Potential applicants are advised to engage the department as early as possible in their application process.

Priority investment areas

The Queensland Government invites applications aligned with the Queensland Quantum and Advanced Technologies Strategy. Projects should address Queensland’s science or translation activities and capabilities in at least one (and preferably more than one) of the following priority areas:

  • quantum systems, devices, components and materials
  • quantum and advanced technologies supply chain
  • photonics, including integrated photonics capabilities
  • compound semiconductor devices and components
  • technologies based on superconductors
  • technologies based on micro-electromechanical systems
  • integration of the above into prototypes and systems
  • characterisation and testing of the above for commercialisation purposes.

Eligibility criteria

To be eligible to apply for this program the applicant must:

  • be a Queensland-based university or research institute, or a Queensland-based lead applicant to an eligible external funding opportunity
  • have an ABN and be GST-registered
  • confirm the project application to the external funding program meets that program’s eligibility requirements.

To be considered eligible for this program, the application must include:

  • the most recent and complete draft of the project application for an eligible external funding program
  • letters of support from other partners and collaborators outlining details of their commitment of funding to the proposed project (amount/period), noting funding contribution(s) from industry partners and collaborators
  • a project delivery plan, commencement date and budget for the proposed project.

The project must be ready to commence at the time of funding approval by the external program.

Eligible external programs and funders

The program will support applications to well-known and reputable government, private sector and not-for-profit programs where Queensland Government co-investment is essential or highly desirable for success, and where a successful application would result in new resources flowing into Queensland.

Examples of the types of schemes that may be considered for co-investment are:

  • Australian Government programs such as:
    • Australian Centre for Quantum Growth
    • Australian Research Council programs
    • Critical Technologies Challenge program
    • Defence programs such as the Advanced Strategic Capabilities Accelerator.
  • Overseas R&D programs such as:
    • National Science Foundation programs (USA)
    • Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA - USA)
    • Horizon Europe
    • European Quantum Technology CR&D 2024.
  • Strategic, multi-faceted partnerships with overseas R&D organisations.

The QATCIP is not intended to support co-investments by venture funders into companies.

Where the application relates to a national centre, it is desirable that Queensland is the lead. However, co-investment into significant Queensland nodes will also be supported.

In general, potential applicants are strongly encouraged to contact the QATCIP Program Administrator at to discuss the eligibility of their projects before applying.

Using the QATCIP funding

QATCIP funding may be used to meet project costs deemed eligible by the external program’s rules.

QATCIP funding may also be used to meet project costs deemed ineligible by the external program’s rules, where they are demonstrably critical to the project proceeding and where the costs are restricted to:

  • salary costs, including standard on-costs (leave loading, superannuation contributions, worker’s compensation contributions, and payroll tax) for key project staff
  • reasonable administration costs
  • consumable items
  • office rent
  • purchase or provision of personal computing equipment directly required or related to the delivery of the project
  • travel costs to support direct project activity (international travel capped at not more than 10% of the QATCIP funding sought).

QATCIP funding must be expended wholly in Queensland unless it can be demonstrated that expenditure outside of Queensland is essential to ensure successful delivery of the project (for example, where a critical commercial service or piece of equipment can only be obtained from an overseas supplier). Funding can only be used to meet expenditure incurred on or after the project commencement date.


Payment of QATCIP funding will be made based on agreed periodic project milestones, which can be profiled to facilitate start-up. An agreed initial payment will be made on confirmation of approval by the external program and execution of a Financial Incentives Agreement with the State of Queensland through the Department of Environment, Science and Innovation.

Subsequent payments will be subject to execution of the head agreement with the external program, as well as:

  • provision of evidence that earlier payments been expended and acquitted
  • provision of evidence that all project requirements have been satisfied, including project contributions having been made by all relevant parties
  • a final payment of 2% will be paid following project completion and satisfying all funding agreement requirements, including final reports and financial acquittals.

Assessment criteria

1. Alignment with the Queensland Quantum and Advanced Technologies Strategy

Your application must demonstrate how the project will provide direct benefits to Queensland aligned with the Priority Investment Areas, along with Pillar 5 and at least one of the other four pillars under the Queensland Quantum and Advanced Technologies Strategy:

  • Pillar 1: Deep science capability - maintaining Queensland’s leadership position in quantum science
  • Pillar 2: Science commercialisation – growing the quantum and advanced technologies commercialisation pipeline
  • Pillar 3: Quantum workforce – Train, attract and retain the skilled people needed for a quantum ecosystem
  • Pillar 4: Engagement and missions – Become adept at using deep science to solve Queensland’s challenges
  • Pillar 5: Investment (mandatory) – Attract internal investment into the Queensland quantum ecosystem.

Refer to the Queensland Quantum and Advanced Technologies Strategy for further details about each Pillar.

2. Capacity, capability, and resources to deliver the project

Your application must demonstrate:

  • the lead applicant’s track-record of successful projects and collaborations relevant to the opportunity being pursued
  • that the project is supported by the applicant, partners and collaborators through commitment of key personnel, resources and funding
  • capabilities relevant to quantum and advanced technologies
  • opportunities and support for under-represented groups, and those with carer responsibilities to participate in the quantum and advanced technologies ecosystem.

3. Value and viability

Your application must demonstrate:

  • how the project will deliver value for money for Queensland, clearly showing the share of project resources that will be available to deliver benefits to Queensland, and amounts committed from sources external to Queensland
  • the viability of the project including having a strong delivery plan that can be completed within the defined timeframes and budget
  • that the main risks and uncertainties of the project have been identified and can be mitigated
  • how the project will be sustained beyond the period of Queensland Government project-based funding.

The project delivery plan and budget will be considered as part of this assessment criterion.

Letters of support from industry partners and collaborators will also be considered as part of this assessment criterion.

The benefits and impact for Queensland demonstrated in the application for the proposed project will inform the level of funding support (up to the maximum amount requested in the application).

Submitting your application

Applications for the QATCIP may be submitted at any time that the program is open.

Applicants will be required to complete an online application through SmartyGrants that includes:

  • detailed responses to all of the assessment criteria
  • a copy of the draft project application or proposal to the nominated external funding program (applicants are encouraged to engage earlier on the level of completeness needed to facilitate assessment)
  • letters of support indicating the level of commitment of all parties to the proposed project
  • a project delivery plan including project budget.

Applicant organisations should clearly identify in their application (including attachments) any information that the applicant organisation requests be treated as confidential.

The applicant organisation must read any Grant Agreement template made available on the department's ‘Science funding and grants’ website for QATCIP and be satisfied it can comply with its terms and conditions. The terms and conditions of the Agreement are non-negotiable.

Successful applicant organisations will receive a letter requiring the applicant organisation to sign and return the Grant Agreement which will be countersigned by the department and a copy returned to the applicant organisation for their records. The Project (which is based on the application for QCIP funding) will be approved by the department in the execution of the Grant Agreement.

Applications should be emailed to: QATCIP Program Administrator,

Support and advice

Applicants can contact the department for advice by emailing

Application assessment

Only eligible submissions will be considered for funding support.

Eligible applications will be assessed in a transparent, competitive, merit-based approach by an expert panel of assessors against the selection criteria.

Applicant organisations may be contacted at any stage of the assessment process to clarify any information provided in the application and/or to request further information to enable a due diligence and probity assessment.

There is no implicit guarantee of approval at any stage of the process and applicants will be notified via email of the assessment outcomes.

The Queensland Government reserves the right to administer the Quantum and Advanced Technologies Co-investment Program and conduct the assessment and approval processes at it sees fit. This may include, at its discretion, considering current government priorities and the need to balance the investment to support technically and geographically diverse activities across the quantum and advanced technologies ecosystem.

Conditions of funding

Successful applicants will be required to enter into and provide evidence of:

  • a legally binding grant agreement with the State of Queensland through the Department of Environment, Science and Innovation
  • once executed, a legally binding agreement with the external funding partner(s) (e.g. Australian Government) for the project
  • legally binding collaborative agreements between parties to the project committing the parties to conduct the project activities, make contributions and achieve the outcomes as set out in the external funding partner’s agreement for the project.

The department will not enter into a grant agreement unless, and until, the applicant provides evidence the external funding partner(s) have provided written confirmation that the application for the nominated external funding program has been successful.

Failure to meet these requirements will result in the funding offer being withdrawn and any funding will be required to be returned to the department including recovery of expended funds.

Project partners and collaborators

Following commencement of the project, the funding recipient must immediately notify the department in the event a project partner or collaborator ceases to be part of the project. In the event of such notice, the department may:

  • agree for the project to continue without the exiting collaborative partner, or
  • suspend the project activity until the department is satisfied the project can be delivered without the exiting collaborative partner, or
  • terminate the grant agreement, thereby ending the Co-Investment funding commitment to the project.

Promotion of supported projects

Funding recipients will be expected to actively promote their projects, and to provide information and attend media/promotion events if requested.

The Queensland Government funding should be acknowledged by recipients in all relevant published material, media releases and public statements relating to the proposed project.


The Queensland Government and the Department of Environment, Science and Innovation manages personal information in accordance with the Information Privacy Act 2009. Personal information will not otherwise be used or disclosed unless authorised or required by law.

The department collects personal information for the purposes of:

  • assessing eligibility for the program
  • promoting relevant information or services to you
  • research, review, audits, evaluation and reporting.

The department, including its employees, may use and disclose the personal information provided in the application to third parties for the above purposes. Third parties include:

  • Queensland Government departments and agencies
  • Australian Government departments and agencies
  • non-government organisations.

The departments and/or the Ministers responsible for the science and innovation portfolios may also publish grant recipient information on Queensland Government websites (including the Department of Environment, Science and Innovation site, Advance Queensland site) or in media releases while publicising the outcomes of the program. Published information may include recipient name, funding amount, suburb/postcode, and outcome details.

If you wish to obtain access to your personal information held by the department, please email

Further information about the program

For further information, please contact the department's QATCIP Coordinator


SmartyGrants Enquiries

For technical questions about the online application process or form, please contact:

Website: SmartyGrants
Phone: (03) 9320 6888 and quote your reference number.

Key documents and links

Applications are now open

Apply through SmartyGrants